How to Use Mailchimp to Send Mass Email
In this demo, you will learn how to use Mailchimp to send mass email:
- Go to Create to get started with your email.
- Pick the type of email you want to create. You can pick between Regular, Plain text, or Template.
- Enter your Internal email name and click Begin.
- Click on Add Recipients in the To section.
- Select the Audience you wish to send your mail to.
- In the Send to drop-down menu, select the Segments and Tags you wish to target with your mail.
- In the Do not send to menu, you also have the option to remove a specific segment or tag from the recipient list.
- To save your preferences, click on Save.
- Add your recipients from the list or go to Import contacts to upload new ones. CLICK HERE to learn how to import new contacts in Mailchimp.
- To proceed, specify the sender details in the From option, specify the subject and preview text of your email in the Sender option, pick the time you wish to send out your email in the Send time option, and design your email in the Content option.
- To Add A Social Post To Your Email, you can connect to Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and/or Instagram.
- Pick the Settings & Tracking details for your email and hit Send at the top right corner of your screen.