How to Create Digital Sales Rooms on Buyerstage
Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a digital sales room on Buyerstage
- Buyerstage is your one Deal Room to fast-track conversions.
- To create a room, go to the Rooms tab and click on + Create Room.
- Pick a Template, Account, and Room Name. Hit Create.
- To create accounts, go to the Accounts tab and hit + Create Account.
- Enter the Account name, Website, LinkedIn, Industry type, and Logo. Hit Create.
- To create a template, go to the Templates tab and hit + Create Template.
- In the From Scratch tab, you can create a template by adding the Title and Description and hitting Create.
- You can also use the Prebuilt Templates available.
- Just pick a template and hit Use this Template option in the top right corner.
- The Library tab stores your uploaded resources, such as images, logos, important links, etc.
- You can click on + Add Resource option to upload additional resources from YouTube links, Storylane demos, Excel sheets, and more.