11 Most Popular Pre-sales Software for 2024

Founder & CEO
min read
June 25, 2024

Looking for the right tools to build your presales tech stack? We’ve done the research for you. 

We've curated a list of the best presales software options, drawing on our experience, user reviews, and expert insights. All personally vetted for real-world impact. 

List of Best Presales Software for 2024

1. Storylane: Creating interactive demos in under 10 mins

2. Saleo: Adding overlays to your live product

3. Vivun: AI-powered deal acceleration 

4. Homerun: Managing complex evaluations

5. Mindtickle: Sales Readiness Training

6. Gong: Conversation Intelligence

7. Revenue Grid: Pipeline visibility & deal risk detection

8. Proposify: Simplifying quote creation

9. Apollo.io: Multi-channel prospecting

10. GTM Buddy: Just-in-Time Enablement

11. Get Accept: Personalized Video Proposals

Presales Software: In-depth Review

1. Storylane

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Storylane is the easiest interactive demo platform that allows you to create screenshot, video, and clickable HTML demos with no coding required. 

It addresses a critical pain point in the presales process - the need to quickly showcase product value in a way that resonates with each specific prospect. 

Key Features:

  • Multi-flow demos: Set up advanced branching logic easily to show multiple features of your product in a single demo. 
  • Personalization: Quickly personalize demo content at scale using lead forms or URL parameters before sharing it with each prospect
  • Bulk edit: Search for any text across all your screens quickly and replace them. It will list the total matches found on each screen, allowing you to verify and replace them.
  • Account reveal: Get accurate firmographic data for anonymous demo viewers and know what companies to target. 
  • Demo analytics: Users can access metrics like impressions, unique views, engagement, and lead tracking on the "Analytics" page. Analytics are available at global, single demo, and session levels, with UTM parameter tracking and CSV export capabilities.


  • Auto captures and links screen at every touchpoint. 
  • Offers the ability to redact PII from demos without coding. 
  • Ability to embed multimedia within demo screens. 
  • Offers fastest time to value. 
  • A generous free plan with paid plans starting at $480/year for screenshot demos and  $6000/year for HTML demos. Check out detailed pricing here.


  • Focuses primarily on demo creation and may need to be supplemented with other tools for comprehensive presales management. 
  • The product is relatively new and is still evolving but the team is quick to implement feedback. 
  • No unlimited user seats as of now. 

Also read: List of Best Interactive Demo Software

2. Saleo

Saleo is a demo creation platform that allows SEs to customize their live product environment without changing the underlying functionality. This makes it useful for POCs and live demos. 

Key Features:

  • Custom Overlays: Tailor your live product environment with “Saleo Live” to match your prospect's use case without building a separate demo instance.
  • Full Data Control: Customize text, tables, images, graphs, and metrics within your product to cater to specific use cases in real time. 
  • Saleo Capture: An extension of “Saleo Live,” where you can capture aspects of your live demo to share as leave-behinds. 


  • Maintains product authenticity while allowing deep customization.
  • Reduces the need for multiple demo environments.


  • Requires initial setup and integration with your product.
  • May have a steeper learning curve for less technical team members.
  • Could be overkill for products with simple interfaces or limited customization needs.

3. Vivun

Vivun positions itself as the industry's first AI-powered solution for presales teams, focusing on deal acceleration, capacity planning, and product-market alignment. It's designed to elevate the strategic role of presales within organizations.

Key Features:

  • Hero Score™: This proprietary AI-driven metric assesses the health and potential of each deal in your pipeline. It considers factors like technical fit, competitor presence, and engagement levels to provide a nuanced view of win probability.
  • Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation: Vivun's AI analyzes historical data and the current pipeline to optimize presales resource allocation. 
  • Product Gap Intelligence: The platform aggregates and analyzes feedback from deals to identify product gaps and market demands. 
  • Buyer Intent Signals: Vivun uses AI to detect and highlight buyer intent signals from various interactions, helping presales teams focus on the most promising opportunities.


  • Provides a holistic view of presales impact on revenue.
  • Strong AI capabilities offer predictive insights for better decision-making.
  • Facilitates better alignment between presales, sales, and product teams.


  • Full implementation may require significant change management.
  • AI-driven insights may require time to reach full accuracy.
  • Higher price point may be challenging for smaller organizations to justify.

4. Homerun

Homerun helps manage complex technical evaluations and proof of concepts (POCs). It's particularly valuable for presales teams dealing with enterprise-level sales that involve extensive product testing and validation.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Evaluation Templates: Homerun allows teams to create and reuse templates for different types of evaluations. These templates can include specific criteria, timelines, and stakeholder roles, ensuring consistency across evaluations.
  • Collaborative Workspaces: Create a centralized space to manage the numerous touchpoints and information exchanges typical in complex POCs.
  • Automated Progress Tracking: Get real-time visibility into the status of each POC, helping presales teams prioritize their efforts and identify potential bottlenecks.


  • Significantly reduces the administrative burden of managing complex evaluations.
  • Enhances transparency and collaboration between presales teams and prospects.
  • Scalable solution that can adapt to different evaluation types and complexities.


  • Primarily focused on the evaluation phase, may require additional tools for other presales functions
  • Could be overkill for organizations with simpler, shorter sales cycles
  • Requires buy-in from prospects to fully utilize collaborative features

5. Mindtickle

Mindtickle is a comprehensive sales readiness platform. While originally focused on sales training, its features are well-suited to the technical and consultative nature of presales roles.

Key Features:

  • Role-Play Simulations: The platform offers AI-powered conversation simulations, allowing presales professionals to practice handling technical objections and explaining complex product features in a safe environment.
  • Knowledge Retention Quizzes: Regular, bite-sized quizzes help ensure that presales team members retain critical product and industry knowledge over time.
  • Skills Assessment and Certification: Mindtickle provides tools for managers to assess and certify presales team members on specific skills or product knowledge, ensuring consistent quality across the team.


  • Combines training, practice, and real-world application in one platform.
  • Provides detailed analytics on individual and team skill development.


  • Primary focus on training may require supplementation with other tools for demo creation or POC management.
  • Can require significant time investment to create and maintain custom training content.

Also read: Top Sales Enablement Tools 2024

6. Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform whose core functionality revolves around recording, transcribing, and analyzing customer-facing conversations to derive actionable insights.

Key Features:

  • Conversation Intelligence: Gong records and analyzes all customer interactions, including demos and technical discussions. 
  • Deal Intelligence: The platform uses AI to analyze deal health and progress, considering factors like engagement levels, stakeholder involvement, and competitive mentions. 
  • People Intelligence: Gong provides insights into individual and team performance, helping presales leaders identify best practices and areas for improvement.
  • Market Intelligence: By aggregating data across all conversations, Gong can surface trends in customer needs, competitive landscape, and product feedback.


  • Provides data-driven insights to improve demo and presentation effectiveness.
  • Offers a comprehensive view of customer interactions and sentiments.
  • Facilitates knowledge sharing and best practice adoption across the team.


  • Requires a culture comfortable with conversation recording and analysis.
  • Can generate a large amount of data that needs careful interpretation.
  • May raise privacy concerns in some industries or regions.

Also read: Top Sales Intelligene Tools 

7. Revenue Grid

Revenue Grid is an AI-powered revenue operations and intelligence platform that offers unique capabilities for presales teams, particularly in pipeline management and deal risk detection.

Key Features:

  • Guided Selling: The platform provides step-by-step guidance tailored to your sales process, helping presales teams know exactly what technical information or demonstrations are needed at each stage of the deal.
  • Revenue Signals: AI-driven alerts that notify presales teams of potential risks or opportunities in their deals. This could include signals like a lack of technical stakeholder engagement or competitor mentions.
  • Pipeline Visibility: Offers a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline with AI-powered forecasting, helping presales leaders allocate resources more effectively.


  • Provides actionable insights to proactively address deal risks.
  • Offers easy integration with major CRM systems for seamless data flow.
  • AI-powered forecasting can improve resource allocation and capacity planning.


  • May require significant setup and customization to align with specific presales processes.
  • The wealth of data and signals could be overwhelming without proper prioritization.

8. Proposify

Proposify is a proposal and contract management platform useful for anyone involved in creating detailed technical proposals or statements of work.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Proposal Builder: Allows presales teams to create visually appealing, interactive proposals that can include rich media, making it easier to explain complex technical concepts.
  • Content Library: A centralized repository for all proposal content, including technical specifications, product details, and case studies, ensuring consistency across all proposals.
  • Collaboration Tools: Enables real-time collaboration between presales, sales, and other stakeholders during the proposal creation process.


  • Ensures brand and content consistency across all proposals.
  • Facilitates better collaboration between presales and other teams.
  • Provides valuable insights into prospect engagement with technical content.


  • Primary focus on proposals may require additional tools for other presales functions.
  • May have a learning curve.
  • May not be suitable for organizations with simpler proposal needs.

9. Apollo.io

Apollo.io is a multi-channel sales engagement and intelligence platform that helps presales teams, particularly in the areas of prospect research and initial outreach.

Key Features:

  • Extensive B2B Database: Provides access to over 220 million contacts and 30 million companies, allowing presales teams to quickly find and research potential technical decision-makers.
  • Intent Data: Offers insights into companies showing buying signals related to specific technologies or solutions, helping presales teams prioritize their outreach.
  • Multichannel Sequences: Enables presales professionals to create personalized, multi-touch outreach campaigns across email, phone, and social media.
  • Chrome Extension: Allows for easy access to contact information and company details while browsing LinkedIn or company websites.


  • Offers a balance of automation and personalization in outreach efforts.
  • Easy to use. 
  • Integrates well with major CRM systems. 


  • Data accuracy can vary, especially for more niche or rapidly changing industries.
  • May require careful use to comply with data privacy regulations in different regions.

Also read: Best Sales Prospecting Tools 2024

10. GTM Buddy

GTM Buddy’s just-in-time enablement bridges the gap between the vast amount of technical content typically available and the specific needs of each prospect interaction.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Content Recommendations: Suggests relevant sales and technical materials based on the specific context of each deal, including prospect industry, deal stage, and competitor presence.
  • Guided Selling: Provides step-by-step guidance through complex sales processes, ensuring presales teams cover all necessary technical points in their presentations and demos.
  • Content Analytics: Offers detailed insights into how prospects engage with shared materials, helping presales teams refine their content strategy.


  • Improves consistency in messaging and approach across the presales team.
  • Reduces time spent searching for appropriate materials, allowing more focus on prospect engagement.


  • Requires ongoing content curation and management to maintain effectiveness.
  • Primarily focused on content delivery and may need supplementation with other tools for comprehensive presales management.

11. GetAccept

GetAccept is a document workflow and e-signature platform that has evolved to include features like personalized video proposals and interactive documents.

Key Features:

  • Video Proposals: Allows presales professionals to create personalized video messages to accompany proposals or technical documentation, adding a human touch to complex information.
  • Document Analytics: Provides detailed insights into how prospects interact with shared documents, including time spent on each page and sections revisited.
  • Live Chat: Enables real-time communication within shared documents, allowing presales teams to instantly address technical questions or concerns.
  • Smart Meeting Scheduler: Integrated scheduling tool that makes it easy to set up follow-up calls or demos based on prospect engagement with shared materials.


  • Enhances engagement with personalized video content.
  • Provides valuable insights into which technical details prospects find most interesting.


  • Video creation may be time-consuming for complex technical explanations.
  • Analytics may be less useful for very large documents or highly technical specifications.

Also read: Best Digital Sales Room Software 2024

Bonus Tool: Prelay

 For teams seeking additional options in presales management, Prelay is a relatively new tool worth considering. 

This deal management software is specifically designed for complex, technical deals that often span multiple product lines and involve large transaction sizes.

Key Features: 

Playbooks for standardizing complex GTM processes, engagement request lifecycle tracking, custom field creation, automation hub, and reporting/analytics.


Guided value selling, granular data capture, seamless CRM integration, customizable templates, easy tracking of internal assists, and external stakeholder sharing.


Could benefit from more granular controls on status types.

Which Tools to Choose for Your Pre-Sales Tech Stack?

Building the ideal presales tech stack is not about adopting every available tool, but rather selecting a combination that addresses your team's specific needs and challenges. 

The perfect stack should enhance your presales process, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive better outcomes.

Consider starting with a core foundation:

  1. A demo creation tool like Storylane or Saleo to streamline your demonstration process.
  2. A presales management platform such as Vivun or Homerun to optimize resource allocation and track presales impact.
  3. A conversation intelligence tool like Gong to gain insights from customer interactions.

Then, based on your specific needs, you might add:

  1. A just-in-time enablement solution like GTM Buddy to ensure your team always has the right content at their fingertips.
  2. For teams looking to enhance pipeline visibility and deal risk detection, a tool like Revenue Grid could provide valuable AI-powered insights and guided selling capabilities.

If you wish to learn more about Storylane, book a demo or start a free trial now to see the product in action!

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."

"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."


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