3 tips for strategic demo placement on your website

In summary...
- The majority of demos are found on home pages, product pages, and/or product tour pages
- Demos located closer to the top of the page (1st or 2nd fold) achieve the best click-through rates
- There’s a negligible difference in CTRs between in-line demos and pop-up/CTA demos, take a call based on your design preference and objectives
You’ve built a great demo and now it’s time to share it with the world. Your website is a promising place to start — but what, where, and how should your demos be placed on-site to maximize engagement? In this edition of The Plot, we’ve analyzed over 130,000 demo sessions to share 3 data-backed learnings on demo placement for your website. Let’s dive in.
What | Home, product, and tour pages
The overwhelming majority of interactive demos are embedded on-page (in-line) or linked to CTA buttons (pop-up) on the homepage, product pages, and/or dedicated product tour pages. This is no accident. These are simply the most relevant pages for visitors to learn more about your product.
We recommend starting with demos for any one (or all three) of these types of pages. Here’s what this could look like:
Homepage demo
A concise, high-level product tour that walks visitors through key features and use-cases in 8-12 steps. The objective here is to capture attention and encourage top of the funnel prospects to learn more about your work. Accordingly, you might want to make this one captivating, relevant, and snappy.

Product page demos
These are demos for top and middle of the funnel prospects looking to dig deeper into specific product features. Accordingly, these demos may be granular; segmented by individual products or solutions. Again, don’t forget to keep them short — highlight only the most pertinent aspects of each product.

Product tour page
Many customers deploy dedicated product tour pages for prospects to explore multiple features under one roof. This is especially valuable to audiences from highly technical verticals such as cybersecurity. If you have too much product to cover in a single demo, use the Gallery or Playlist layout with Demo Hub.

Where | The higher up, the better
Where should your demo show up on the page for maximum visibility? This one is pretty intuitive: the higher up, the better. Placing your demos or demo CTAs closer to the top ensures that visitors come across them without much scrolling. This translates to better demo engagement. The data supports this: there’s a strong negative correlation between the fold a demo is placed on and its click-through rate.
Place your demos or demo CTA buttons on the first fold, second fold, or navbar for maximum visibility. On average, placing demos any lower may result in CTRs that are well under 10%. Not great.

How | Inline vs CTA buttons - dealer’s choice
In the examples shared above, you may have noticed that some demos are embedded directly onto the page (in-line) while others are linked to a CTA button (pop-up or linked-out to their product tour pages). How do these methods differ in terms of CTR? Not by much. On average, in-line demos achieve slightly higher CTRs (26%) than CTA buttons (23%).
Since there’s a negligible difference in terms of CTR, make your decision based on your design preferences and objectives. In-line demos certainly stand out as compared to pop-up CTAs, but if subtlety is what you’re going for, especially on pages with multiple demos, pop-up CTAs may work better.
In my research for this report, I noticed that most homepages adopt a CTA button while the majority of product and product tour pages adopt in-line demos. It’s worth experimenting to identify what works best for your website.

In summary...
- The majority of demos are found on home pages, product pages, and/or product tour pages
- Demos located closer to the top of the page (1st or 2nd fold) achieve the best click-through rates
- There’s a negligible difference in CTRs between in-line demos and pop-up/CTA demos, take a call based on your design preference and objectives
You’ve built a great demo and now it’s time to share it with the world. Your website is a promising place to start — but what, where, and how should your demos be placed on-site to maximize engagement? In this edition of The Plot, we’ve analyzed over 130,000 demo sessions to share 3 data-backed learnings on demo placement for your website. Let’s dive in.
What | Home, product, and tour pages
The overwhelming majority of interactive demos are embedded on-page (in-line) or linked to CTA buttons (pop-up) on the homepage, product pages, and/or dedicated product tour pages. This is no accident. These are simply the most relevant pages for visitors to learn more about your product.
We recommend starting with demos for any one (or all three) of these types of pages. Here’s what this could look like:
Homepage demo
A concise, high-level product tour that walks visitors through key features and use-cases in 8-12 steps. The objective here is to capture attention and encourage top of the funnel prospects to learn more about your work. Accordingly, you might want to make this one captivating, relevant, and snappy.

Product page demos
These are demos for top and middle of the funnel prospects looking to dig deeper into specific product features. Accordingly, these demos may be granular; segmented by individual products or solutions. Again, don’t forget to keep them short — highlight only the most pertinent aspects of each product.

Product tour page
Many customers deploy dedicated product tour pages for prospects to explore multiple features under one roof. This is especially valuable to audiences from highly technical verticals such as cybersecurity. If you have too much product to cover in a single demo, use the Gallery or Playlist layout with Demo Hub.

Where | The higher up, the better
Where should your demo show up on the page for maximum visibility? This one is pretty intuitive: the higher up, the better. Placing your demos or demo CTAs closer to the top ensures that visitors come across them without much scrolling. This translates to better demo engagement. The data supports this: there’s a strong negative correlation between the fold a demo is placed on and its click-through rate.
Place your demos or demo CTA buttons on the first fold, second fold, or navbar for maximum visibility. On average, placing demos any lower may result in CTRs that are well under 10%. Not great.

How | Inline vs CTA buttons - dealer’s choice
In the examples shared above, you may have noticed that some demos are embedded directly onto the page (in-line) while others are linked to a CTA button (pop-up or linked-out to their product tour pages). How do these methods differ in terms of CTR? Not by much. On average, in-line demos achieve slightly higher CTRs (26%) than CTA buttons (23%).
Since there’s a negligible difference in terms of CTR, make your decision based on your design preferences and objectives. In-line demos certainly stand out as compared to pop-up CTAs, but if subtlety is what you’re going for, especially on pages with multiple demos, pop-up CTAs may work better.
In my research for this report, I noticed that most homepages adopt a CTA button while the majority of product and product tour pages adopt in-line demos. It’s worth experimenting to identify what works best for your website.

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