6 Storylane Features to Help you Create Strong Leave-behind Experiences for Prospects

min read
July 14, 2023

After an awesome demo call, your customers will forget quickly enough what you showed them on the product. How do you help them recall the ‘aha’ moments of how your product solves their specific pain points? 

Better still, how do you enable your champion to evangelize your product inside their organization? 

This is where strong leave-behinds for reminding prospects of your product’s value, come in handy. With Storylane, creating beautiful leave-behind experiences and sharing them is very easy. 

Let's talk about features that help you build a powerful leave-behind that Sales teams can use to empower their champions.

1. Enable powerful messaging with ‘modals’

Insert a personalized message built on a Text Modal as a first step in your leave-behind tour. This is a powerful way to connect with your prospect even after the demo. Or better still, add pre-recorded videos to the video modal. This will make your interactive demo leave-behind more personal as it carries the connection you built during the demo call over to them even when you’re not in front of them. 

A screenshot of the Storylane product feature 'Guides' where you can choose different ways to guide viewers through the demo. The different modes features in the image are, 'Hotspot', 'Tooltip', 'Media modal', and 'Text Modal.'

2. Personalize the demo with ‘dynamic variables’

We’re living in an era where all kinds of shopping experiences are personalized to our individual needs and interests. So having the ability to personalize your communication to prospects is a must-have. 

Storylane gives you that ability. Add your own branding in terms of custom themes and logos; add the company as well as prospect names to personalize demos for each and every prospect in your pipeline. Build your demos with ‘dynamic variables’ to apply auto personalization. 

A screenshot of Storylane's personalization feature. In this image, we show how to create different text tokens for different kinds of personalization - like name, last name or company name. On the left is the text token you give, and a preview of what will be shown to viewers. And on the right is the column where you can edit your text token.

3. Protect your demos with passwords and expiration dates

Want to make sure your prospects don’t send these demos to competitors? Protect your demos by putting them behind passwords as well as set expiration dates to ensure only the intended recipients view what you’ve built. 

A screenshot of Storylane's product feature that allows you to create new links for each demo to track analytics of who all viewed that particular demo. On the image are empty spaces that you add the custom name of your link to.

4. Create new links for each demo to track analytics

When you are doing ABM campaigns, it's best to create a dedicated link for each company. That way you can check out how prospects within individual companies interact with your demo. Track how these perform basis clicks, conversions and engagement, and iterate the demos on the lines of the best performing ones.

A screenshot showcasing the kind of information that Storylane captures of your demos and sends to your Hubspot CRM. On the image you can see whether the demo checklist was completed by the viewer, how much percentage of the video was completed, whether the viewer clicked on the CTA, the link to the demo, the name, the amount of demo time, and when it was viewed.

5. Set up multiple flows within a demo to excite different stakeholders in the buying journey

Add multiple journeys inside your Storylane demos to focus on multiple use cases. This will enable your demo to convince multiple stakeholders or personas with their own unique objectives. Additionally, it’ll also make it easier for your champion to get the internal buy-ins without much work from them

Here is an example of Rippling - an HR app that has displayed multiple flows in their interactive demo to show the value of the product for Admins, HR managers and Employees.

Rippling product tour powered by Storylane

6. Salesforce and Hubspot integration

With a CRM integration, you’ll get detailed analytics of how prospects interacted with your demo right inside your CRM. This can be used to trigger workflows and lead qualification. 

Storylane captures and populates a set of interaction metrics like percentage of completion and time spent on the demo, among others, to give you a detailed view of the prospects’ engagement patterns.

Follow up more effectively with Storylane’s leave-behinds

This holistic set of features results in a demo leave-behind experience that creates a lasting impression on the buyer. This definitely moves the needle on 3 counts:

  • Improved buyer experience
  • Reduced sales cycle
  • Higher closed won rates

So next time when you are following up, leave behind a demo that is personalized and satisfies some additional objectives as well (for other stakeholders), and wait for the deeper engagement to bear fruit.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."

"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."


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