How to Validate DocuSign Signature
Validating a DocuSign signature involves checking the document’s authenticity and ensuring that the signatures are valid and legally binding. Here’s how you can do this:
- After the document is signed, click the completed document.
- Download the completed document from DocuSign by clicking the 'Download' button. This is typically in PDF format.
- Select 'Combine all PDFs into a single file'.
- Click 'Download'.
- Visit a digital signature verifier site. Open the document with a digital signature verifier and click the 'Upload' button to add the document.
- Once you have uploaded the document, click 'Initiate Verification'.
- The digital signature verifier will display the signature's status. It should show that the signature is valid and the document has not been altered since it was signed.
- Click on the 'View Details' to view the signature details.
- The signature verifier should confirm that the document has not been modified after the signatures were applied. This ensures the integrity of the document.