How To Link To A Section On Another Page Webflow
Here is how to link to a section on another page in Webflow:
- Select the section you wish to link to, aka, the destination.
- Go to the elements right sidebar menu.
- Open the Settings tab.
- In the ID field, enter a unique name to refer to this section. Copy or remember this name.
- Now go to the page where you wish to link this section from, aka, the beginning.
- Select the element to link and ensure it can support linking or simply add a link block to it.
- Locate the linking section in the right sidebar menu.
- For relative URLs (using your homepage as the base) use the "/" to begin from your home.
- So your URL for another page of your project will look like "/pagename#sectionID" or ""
- To test, open Preview and click on the button.
- You should reach the linked section on another page.