How To Create A Table In Webflow
Since Webflow does not currently natively supports tables, here is how to create a tabular structure using Grid in Webflow:
- Webflow does not inherently have tables. Instead, we can use Grid to create a table format structure for our content. To add a grid, go to Add Elements in the left sidebar menu.
- Scroll to the Other section or simply search for Grid.
- Once you click or drag the Grid where you want it. The right sidebar menu will offer many options to customize and control it.
- You can also enter a Grid Editing mode by clicking on the small grid icon for Edit Grid.
- When inside this mode, you can add rows and columns using the (+) icon.
- You can also customize the width of columns by dragging the edges or clicking on the heading to view options.
- Also, you can also customize and adjust the spacing between rows and columns by dragging the orders or adjust both at the same time by Shift + Drag.
- Click on Done at the bottom to exit mode.
- Although not necessary, it is a good practice to add a Div block to each cell as a wrapper, this also allows you to nest content inside a single cell.
- You can also directly add elements and assets to each cell.
- To add an image for example, simply drag and drop it inside a cell.
- Do the same for text blocks and other elements.
- Note that you can edit each cell's content separately without affecting other cells
- Also note that although the content is different, each row shares the same dimensions by default using the FR units.
- Besides editing each cell, row or column individually, you can also apply settings to the entire grid.
- You now have a Grid layout that resembles a tabular format in Webflow. You can continue exploring this to customize it exactly like a conventional table.