How To Connect Domain To Webflow
Here is how to connect your custom domain to Webflow:
- From your Webflow Dashboard, locate the project for which you wish to add the domain. Click on the three dotted icon for options.
- Select Settings.
- From your left sidebar menu (or in some cases at the top), go to the Publishing section.
- Under Custom Domains, click on Add a Custom Domain.
- Enter your domain name and click on Add Domain.
- Webflow may automatically detect your DNS provider and offer an easier method to connect your domain. But, we will be choosing to Connect manually for better clarity.
- Once you proceed manually, you will see a list of A Records, TXT Records and below a section for CNAME Records. Note these down or keep them available for the following steps.
- For this demo we will be using the Godaddy platform but the steps may be similar for your DNS provider. It is recommended to visit the Webflow documentation for detailed steps on integrating with each DNS provider.
- Inside the GoDaddy dashboard, go to My Products.
- Find the domain you wish to add and click on DNS.
- You should now be inside DNS Management with a list of records.
- Make sure you do not have any existing A records with the name "@" or CNAME records with the name "www". If you do, delete those records.
- Now, click on the Add New Record button to create new records.
- Under Type, select "A".
- Under Type, select "@".
- Under Value, enter the first IP visible on your Webflow domain page. Generally:
- Click on Add another value.
- Enter the second IP given on the Webflow domain setup page. Generally:
- Click Save.
- Now, for adding a CNAME record, add a new record.
- Select Type: CNAME, Name: www and the Value given on your Webflow domain setup page. Generally:
- Click Save.
You should now have:
- A record with name "@" and first IP.
- A record with name "@" and second IP.
- CNAME record with name "www" and the value.
- Optionally if required, a TXT record with your verification code as the value.
And your domain should now be configured.
- Back to Webflow, ensure you select the form as the default using the Make Default option. This is to ensure your translates into
- You can now click on Check Status or Verify Domain to see if your domain has been configured correctly.
- If everything has been done correctly, you will see a status symbol as Connected. If so, your website is ready to use.
- Your new domain should now be visible under Publish. Select it to push changes to the live website.
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