How to Clear Table Data in MS Access
To clear data from a table in Microsoft Access, you can use one of the following methods:
- Open your Access database.
- Go to the 'Create' tab in the Ribbon.
- Click on 'Query Design'.
- Add the table from which you want to delete data by clicking 'Add Selected Tables'.
- In the 'Design View', click on the 'Delete' button in the Ribbon.
- In the 'Query Design grid', under the 'Field' row, select the asterisk icon.
- Click 'Run', the red exclamation mark on the Ribbon.
- Go to the 'Navigation Pane' and click 'Close'.
- Under 'Queries' select the Query you want to clear.
- Click 'Run' to execute the query. You’ll be asked to confirm the deletion.
- Click 'Yes' to delete all records in the table.
- That's it! By using any of these methods it will permanently delete the data in the table.
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