How to Add List Box MS Access
Adding a List Box in Microsoft Access allows you to display a list of options that users can select. Here's how to add and configure a list box in MS Access:
- Go to the 'Create' tab.
- On the 'Create' tab, select 'Form Design'.
- On the 'Form Design' tab in the ribbon, go to the 'Controls' group. Click on the 'List Box' tool.
- The 'List Box Wizard' will automatically open. The wizard will guide you through configuring the list box.
- Choose how the list box gets its values.
- Sort the order for the items in your list box and click 'Next'.
- Drag to adjust the width of a column and click 'Next'.
- After the wizard completes, click 'Finish' and the list box will appear on your form.
- Switch to 'Form View' to test the list box.
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